The Power of a Brand Refresh

A Brand Refresh is the process of repositioning a business while preserving its core identity. By revamping the brand identity, including a logo, messaging, and products.

A refresh allows you to realign with your mission and create a more cohesive experience. Which can help your business grow, and improve customer perception. By showing that you're growing to provide more quality products and services. New visuals and messaging can also appeal to new demographics.

Everyday Examples

Dunkin' Donuts LogoDunkin logo

Dunkin' Donuts repositioned and rendered down to focus more on coffee with Dunkin'.

Burger King logoBurger king logo

Burger King moved away from its former plastic Y2K logo, to a modern 60's and 90's throwback.

I love NYC logoWe love NYC logo

New York took a hit and a miss with this move from its iconic logo to somthing more modern.

When to Refresh

"The Snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."

Friedrich Nietzsche

The main function of a healthy mind is to be open to change, and a mind that cannot change might as well be dead. By default, your branding functions in a similar manner. If it does not grow with its audience and adapt to market changes, it might as well not exist.

Brand Refresh Process

1. Audit Your Current Brand

2. Define Your Objectives

3. Understand Your Audience

4. Revisit Your Brand Identity

5. Test Concepts

6. Update Brand Touchpoints

7. Communicate the Change

8. Monitor the Impact

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